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Image by Sasha  Freemind


Kirsten Schmitt, energetic healing

Kirsten Schmitt about her calling

Kirsten Schmitt about energies in balance



I'm glad you found me.

I would be happy to support you on your path to self-healing.  Find your way to freedom, joy and liveliness.


I have been translating the spiritual world for over 15 years and have been able to witness healing in many different areas of life through the transmission of high, loving light frequencies.

"With the help of the spiritual world, I support you in finding truth, clarity and healing. From my own experience I can say that healing is always possible."

Kirsten Schmitt

Energetische Heilung

For example, energetic healing can help you with:

Image by Artem Kovalev
Image by Davies Designs Studio
Rote Blätter

Self-doubt, fears and blockages

Acute crisis situations

Changes in
Your life

glückliches Paar
Denkender Mann
Von zu Hause aus arbeiten

Partnership, family and relationship problems

Loss of people

Career and finances

...or any other topic, 
that concerns you.


The question of “why”

The cause of your issue will first be made clear to you.

This brings clarity, leads you to your truth and clears the path to healing.

The high frequencies from the spiritual world support yout.

You don't have to believe in the spiritual world, 

Energy always works!

The high frequencies are clearly noticeable,

no matter whether you believe in it or not.

What my clients say

Sometimes you just need a “higher” perspective to gain new clarity on your own path. Then it's time for an appointment with Kirsten! :-) She has been with me for several years. Refreshingly down-to-earth and warm - always crystal clear in her statements - she is a “heavenly” interpreter and bridge builder between the spiritual world and us. I would like to warmly recommend it to everyone who has a sincere interest in clarity and healing in order to become more and more attuned to themselves.

Andrea L.

I've had three sessions with Kirsten, each one of them was profound in their own way. Each session has helped me break through old energetic, mental, emotional, or physical blockages. Judging from the impact her sessions have had on my life as well as the experience that she only has my highest evolution at heart,I have recommended Kirsten to a good number of friends without hesitation and in almost all cases those friends have also found her sessions extremely valuable and have gone back to her numerous times. I've tried a good number of healers and Kirsten is my first choice.

Jamie K.

With Kirsten's accompaniment, I realize that there is a common thread that carries me through my experiences (and is the quiet guidance of my soul): 

With Kirsten I feel at home without pressure and supported in a loving atmosphere.

I can highly recommend Kirsten's accompaniment: If you are ready to heal, Kirsten will guide you to where the pain originates: You will see situations that you have forgotten, feel feelings that you have repressed. You become aware of what lies behind it: the part of you that has separated itself. You had built a wall around your heart because behind it was a deep wound that you didn't know about: fear, anger or sadness are triggers that need to be healed.


Wie läuft eine Sitzung ab

How does a meeting work?

Whether live, via Zoom or over the phone - everything is possible


In a safe space where you feel cared for and lovingly supported, the high light frequencies are transmitted to you, supporting you in the necessary change. 

Whether the connection is made on site, on the phone or via Zoom is irrelevant. Space and time don't matter. It's just a personal preference.

Meetings can also be held in English.


Get in touch

By phone at +491733494414

or by email

Thank you for your message!

Kirsten Schmitt
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