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My name is
Kirsten Schmitt

I have been happily married for 27 years now and we have two wonderful children. A son and a daughter. Family is and has always been very important to me and a big anchor in my life. I already had this loving family environment when I was a child. And I am very grateful for that.

Kirsten Schmitt  | Energetische Heilung

My life was perfect.

High school diploma, university studies, assistant to the management... until I was diagnosed with cancer in the 6th month of my first pregnancy.


This is how the journey to finding myself began. 


Find out more in the podcasts.


Today I can say from my own experience: “Healing is always possible.”

Through our clarity we come to the truth. And the healing process can begin!


My path led me via Feng Shui to the QEH® method, SHT® and the native perspective.


All of this completely changed my consciousness and my soul purpose was clear!


Help others find truth, clarity, healing by taking a higher perspective. With the help of the spiritual world.

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